2011 is rapidly coming to a close and I have spent most of my time this year deep in thought. During this time I have made some interesting discoveries about myself and the world.
My biggest discovery this year is the belief that it is important to see all the angles and take a holistic view of life.
The old me was homophobic, selfish and believed in ruling the world. This year I have discovered that the only thing that matters is peace and love.
I am a Catholic Christian who has taken a big interest in the philosophies of Buddhism and during this process I have realised that all of the world’s religions just want to bring us together.
This year has also seen me join the fight to end extreme poverty. Lifting 1.4 billion people out of poverty can only be achieved by everyone “doing a small action times by lots of people” Global Poverty Project.
Personally I now know that until this year I had been trying to beat my disability but now that I am trying to be a social advocate I see that my disability is a strength not a weakness.
I have changed everything from the way I shop to the way I think in this year and in order to keep the wheels of life turning in my direction I will continue to take a holistic view and encourage my friends and family to do the same.
I personally pledge to no longer be blinded by ignorance.