Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hunger is not a game

This year’s Live Below the Line was a powerful reminder that for 1.4 billion people in our world hunger is not a game.

A lot of us think the world is fine. Some of us even say, “what’s yours is mine”.

Many people have plenty of advice but have they ever had to sacrifice just for a few bowls of rice.

The first day of the challenge, lack of coffee gave me a migraine headache and it got me thinking; shouldn’t the fact that 1.4 billion people live in poverty give everyone a headache?

It is a situation that shouldn’t exist in this day and age.

I lived on two dollars a day for my food for five days but poverty is more than just a lack of food.

A quarter of the world go without shelter, medicine, and even play every single day.

Thank you to all the people who supported me during the Live Below the Line campaign but it is important that we make an end to poverty a daily campaign until no single human being lives in poverty.