Thursday, July 29, 2010

Act For Success

By Chris Van Ingen

This blog aims to confront some powerful issues so it is important to define success.

The Macquarie dictionary of Australia defines success as:“1. the favourable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavours. 2. the gaining of wealth, position, or the like.
3. a successful performance or achievement.4. a thing or a person that is successful.”

Guess what people? Together we are going to change the meaning of success.
We are going focus on our relationship to the environment and each other.

here are some strategies that have helped me get on with life just to get us started.

What is the secret to success? I want to succeed and all my life I’ve tried to find the answer to this question.
The only answer I can come up with is that there is no secret. All you’ve got to do is want to succeed.

Who am I to talk to you about success? What makes me any different to you? The answer is nothing. That’s the whole point.
If I can succeed so can you. I’m not famous yet and most of you wouldn’t know who I am.
I can guarantee you right now some of you are reading this thinking why do I have to listen to some guy in a wheelchair. You don’t. I don’t care if you look at me and go ‘If that spastic can do it than so can I.’ because if you think that for a second than I’ve already won.
I have no magic wand; if I did I would already be the richest person in the world. All I can tell you is what I have done to get what I want.

I am an aspiring actor and have done several plays and short films. I’m also a freelance writer and run my own business, just writing this article I am living my dream.

As an actor part of our homework we have a list of things we have to figure out about the scene before we can perform it.
One day I looked at this list I discovered that everything on the list was the way I go about accomplishing what it is I want to do.

Before you succeed at anything the first thing you have to do is ask yourself what do I want to do?
One of the best ways to figure out what it is you want to do is to write out a thing I call My Life Plan. This is a letter you sit down and write a letter to yourself.
In it you write down everything you want to do, for example

My Life Plan
I am going to be the best man I can be. I am going to grow up and instead of talking of what I want to do I am going to do it.

I’m going to stop being selfish.

In ten years, I will be a professional actor. I will also write and publish a novel, a collection
of short stories, articles and poetry. I will also write and perform my own scripts. I am going to also run several businesses, especially my own production company. Nothing will stop me from getting what I want, not even my disability.

“No retreat, no surrender.”
“In the warrior’s code there is no surrender. When you’re body cries stop your spirit cries NEVER!”
“Eye of the tiger.”
“Never, never, never, never give up.”

This is my life plan and I am not going to stop until I achieve everything I said here.

The important thing about the letter is that you write I am going to… because that way it becomes positive reinforcement which is the key.
My motivation, my intention, my subtext is about aware. This how I act for success and you can do it too.
Remember, “keep the wheels of life turning in your direction”

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