Tuesday, November 30, 2010

You can't shut me out

The Federal government released a report highlighting issue’s faced by people with disabilities and their families in 2009.
I have lived with a disability for almost 28 years and have faced all the issue’s outlined in the report but one thing the report doesn’t show is the fact that despite all the issue’s you can’t shut me out.
The Shut out report does highlight food for thought for us as a community, area’s where the service system while brilliant is falling short.
If we want to truly empower people with disabilities we have to improve access to Aids and Equipment, community buildings, health care and transport.
One of the best ways to stop people with disabilities being shut out is to promote access to education opportunities. I am able to be effective in the community because l have had these chances a right that is protected by the UN. Every person has a right to education.
Statistics have also proven the better education a person has the better the access will be to employment. Yet another right protected by the UN.
If the government wants less people using up centerlink resources they can start by translating the words printed in a nice glossy Shut out report into action.
I am living proof that if action is taken you can overcome the issues raised in the Shut out report.
It is sad that in a prosperous country like Australia there are so many people with disabilities and their families that still feel disadvantaged and Shut out.
Miss Gillard you can’t shut me out. “Remember to keep the wheels of life turning in your direction”.

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