Monday, January 31, 2011

People Power.

By Chris Van Ingen.

Over the last few days, we have been lucky to witness yet again the rebirth of people power.

Once again the people of Egypt are doing what they did centuries ago; standing up for the basic rights of all human beings.

How is it possible that in a world where we have learnt so many lessons that a man who is supposed to lead his people repeats history and oppresses them for the last thirty years?

The events of the past few days show that people will only put up with dictatorship for so long. Everyone deserves to be free. Everyone deserves the right to more than two dollars a day.

Readers please watch the unfolding events in Egypt and use them as motivation to change the world. All we need to do to make the world a better place is to act. I ask you to join me in the movement to unite the world and if you’re reading this I know you want to.

“Remember to keep the wheels of life turning in your direction.”

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