I lived on two dollars a day for my food for five days but poverty is more than just a lack of food.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Hunger is not a game
This year’s
Live Below the Line was a powerful reminder that for 1.4 billion people in our
world hunger is not a game.
A lot of us
think the world is fine. Some of us even say, “what’s yours is mine”.
Many people
have plenty of advice but have they ever had to sacrifice just for a few bowls
of rice.
The first day
of the challenge, lack of coffee gave me a migraine headache and it got me
thinking; shouldn’t the fact that 1.4 billion people live in poverty give
everyone a headache?
It is a
situation that shouldn’t exist in this day and age.
I lived on two dollars a day for my food for five days but poverty is more than just a lack of food.
A quarter of
the world go without shelter, medicine, and even play every single day.
Thank you to
all the people who supported me during the Live Below the Line campaign but it
is important that we make an end to poverty a daily campaign until no single
human being lives in poverty.
You can still donate at https://www.livebelowtheline.com/me/chrisvaningen
Friday, April 6, 2012
A Passion for Easter
I love hot cross buns, chocolate eggs and family fish feasts but while they all taste great none of these things are what Easter is about.
Easter is a reminder of the extraordinary sacrifice that was made to show us all the best way to live in the world.
I know that I have goodness, ability and strength but none of it comes from me. It is all God given.
As a Catholic today, on Good Friday, I participated in the Stations of the Cross. It was a powerful ceremony that reminded me of two things: 1, the power of hatred in our world; 2, the divine courage and grace that is possible.
So this weekend as we all enjoy hot cross buns and chocolate eggs, please remember the true passion for Easter.
God bless.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
First Aid
As part of my work with the Global Poverty Project, I have learnt that if each one of us takes a small action it equals big change.
Our Government is supposed to be our leader.
If our leaders aren’t prepared to make a small change, then how is Australia going to make a difference in the world.
Last year, I attended an event called High Five for Point Five where we asked that our foreign aid promise of 0.5% GNI be kept.
For those of you who don’t know, 0.5% foreign aid equals 50c out of every $100.
Surely with our economy being in such good shape in comparison to the rest of the world, there is no need to cut back on a promise which is as little as 50 cents.
So I beg Julia Gilliard, Wayne Swan, Penny Wong, Simon Crean and Bob Carr to think about Australia’s commitment to the world.
It’s time to put votes second and first aid.
To take action head to Global Poverty Project or The Oaktree Foundation.

Monday, March 26, 2012
One mans reach
In school we were presented with a parade of motivational speakers each one talented and successful but there is only 2 that l remember all these years later. One was a local radio host and the other was Jim Steins.
Jim came to our school pulled out a $50 dollar note from his pocket and asked us who wanted $50. He was greeted with the screams of every student in the room, after about six or seven minutes he put the $50 back in his pocket and said " l can't believe none of you wanted $50. At which point we screamed yes we did then Jim calmly said then how come no one came and got it from me, you don't get your dreams unless you come and take them." That is a simple illustration of what it takes to achieve your goals that has stayed with me. Later on that day Jim invited us to come up and speak about our dreams and goals.
Without hesitation l wheeled forward and declared my intention to achieve everything l want despite my disability. After the session ended l had the opportunity to meet Jim and have my photo taken with him.l hope this story reminds everyone that one man can make a difference l was inspired by one mans reach.
Rest in peace Jim!
Jim came to our school pulled out a $50 dollar note from his pocket and asked us who wanted $50. He was greeted with the screams of every student in the room, after about six or seven minutes he put the $50 back in his pocket and said " l can't believe none of you wanted $50. At which point we screamed yes we did then Jim calmly said then how come no one came and got it from me, you don't get your dreams unless you come and take them." That is a simple illustration of what it takes to achieve your goals that has stayed with me. Later on that day Jim invited us to come up and speak about our dreams and goals.
Without hesitation l wheeled forward and declared my intention to achieve everything l want despite my disability. After the session ended l had the opportunity to meet Jim and have my photo taken with him.l hope this story reminds everyone that one man can make a difference l was inspired by one mans reach.
Rest in peace Jim!
Monday, January 23, 2012
Godfather versus Ghandi
All my life I have struggled with the two sides of my personality. On one hand I have the ruthless instincts of a warrior and the other, the compassionate instincts of Ghandi.
For so long now I have played an internal tennis match back and forth driving myself crazy but after watching the news I believe all human beings are asking themselves the same question.
After much soul searching, I suggest the following solution; rather than fighting our instincts maybe it’s time we give ourselves a break and think like the Godfather but act like Ghandi.
Now some of you are probably thinking that the two cancel out each other but Mr. Ghandi beat the British army without hurting anyone. The reason he was able to do this was because he was ruthless in sticking to his principles. No matter what his opponents tried, he refused to give in and he refused to hurt anyone.
It is also a sad fact of life that there are many people out there that will hurt their fellow human beings just to get what they want. So by thinking like the Godfather, you will be able to protect yourself from these people and still have the compassion to act like Ghandi.
So many people in this world say they want world peace but the moment they get close to power their Godfather instincts take over.
If we put the needs of the world first it becomes easier to be more like Ghandi.
For so long now I have played an internal tennis match back and forth driving myself crazy but after watching the news I believe all human beings are asking themselves the same question.
After much soul searching, I suggest the following solution; rather than fighting our instincts maybe it’s time we give ourselves a break and think like the Godfather but act like Ghandi.
Now some of you are probably thinking that the two cancel out each other but Mr. Ghandi beat the British army without hurting anyone. The reason he was able to do this was because he was ruthless in sticking to his principles. No matter what his opponents tried, he refused to give in and he refused to hurt anyone.
It is also a sad fact of life that there are many people out there that will hurt their fellow human beings just to get what they want. So by thinking like the Godfather, you will be able to protect yourself from these people and still have the compassion to act like Ghandi.
So many people in this world say they want world peace but the moment they get close to power their Godfather instincts take over.
If we put the needs of the world first it becomes easier to be more like Ghandi.
Monday, January 16, 2012
End of the World, New Beginnings
According to the Mayan calendar, 2012 is the year the world comes to an end but for me it is the year that Chris’s world begins.
This year my acting is going to enter its most successful phase, my poetry will be published and my business will majorly take off. Tony Robbins eat your heart out!
Setting goals is my favourite pastime; achieving them is my life’s purpose.
I believe that when we set New Year’s resolutions it is very easy to get distracted and lose focus on our goals. That is why I see the first of January each year as a new beginning.
People often ask me how I stay so positive and seeing each year as a new beginning helps me avoid negativity.
There have been many years in my life where I have not achieved my goals but there has not been a single year where I have not moved towards them.
So I say to you, and to myself, that the Mayan calendar was wrong. 2012 is not the end, it is simply a new beginning.
Remember to keep the wheels of life turning in your direction.
This year my acting is going to enter its most successful phase, my poetry will be published and my business will majorly take off. Tony Robbins eat your heart out!
Setting goals is my favourite pastime; achieving them is my life’s purpose.
I believe that when we set New Year’s resolutions it is very easy to get distracted and lose focus on our goals. That is why I see the first of January each year as a new beginning.
People often ask me how I stay so positive and seeing each year as a new beginning helps me avoid negativity.
There have been many years in my life where I have not achieved my goals but there has not been a single year where I have not moved towards them.
So I say to you, and to myself, that the Mayan calendar was wrong. 2012 is not the end, it is simply a new beginning.
Remember to keep the wheels of life turning in your direction.
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