Monday, January 16, 2012

End of the World, New Beginnings

According to the Mayan calendar, 2012 is the year the world comes to an end but for me it is the year that Chris’s world begins.

This year my acting is going to enter its most successful phase, my poetry will be published and my business will majorly take off. Tony Robbins eat your heart out!

Setting goals is my favourite pastime; achieving them is my life’s purpose.

I believe that when we set New Year’s resolutions it is very easy to get distracted and lose focus on our goals. That is why I see the first of January each year as a new beginning.

People often ask me how I stay so positive and seeing each year as a new beginning helps me avoid negativity.

There have been many years in my life where I have not achieved my goals but there has not been a single year where I have not moved towards them.

So I say to you, and to myself, that the Mayan calendar was wrong. 2012 is not the end, it is simply a new beginning.

Remember to keep the wheels of life turning in your direction.

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