All my life I have struggled with the two sides of my personality. On one hand I have the ruthless instincts of a warrior and the other, the compassionate instincts of Ghandi.
For so long now I have played an internal tennis match back and forth driving myself crazy but after watching the news I believe all human beings are asking themselves the same question.
After much soul searching, I suggest the following solution; rather than fighting our instincts maybe it’s time we give ourselves a break and think like the Godfather but act like Ghandi.
Now some of you are probably thinking that the two cancel out each other but Mr. Ghandi beat the British army without hurting anyone. The reason he was able to do this was because he was ruthless in sticking to his principles. No matter what his opponents tried, he refused to give in and he refused to hurt anyone.
It is also a sad fact of life that there are many people out there that will hurt their fellow human beings just to get what they want. So by thinking like the Godfather, you will be able to protect yourself from these people and still have the compassion to act like Ghandi.
So many people in this world say they want world peace but the moment they get close to power their Godfather instincts take over.
If we put the needs of the world first it becomes easier to be more like Ghandi.
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