Monday, May 12, 2014

A simple Minstrel and Orator

It has been awhile since I have posted. I have been spending time in deep reflection and now I will share some of my thoughts. The traditional notions of success have become to complicated I now see myself as just a simple minstrel and orator.
This doesn't mean however that I have given up chasing my goals I would die before I let that happen it is simply down to a change of perspective. Throughout history scientists, priests and spiritual teachers have agreed that there is a energy in the universe, for me it is god but regardless what you believe this energy exists so I now place my goals in the wave of this universal energy and sit as a simple minstrel and orator and wait to see what the universe has in-store. This sounds passive but it is not I make all the moves necessary to achieve all my goals and then see if the universe delivers them. This means that I cut down on stress because I am going with the flow of my life and not fighting against what is in front of me. So gentle reader take stock of where your life is at the moment let your goals surf the wave of universal energy and be happy with your life for now I am just a simple mistral and orator.
" Remember to keep the wheels of life turning in your direction!"

By Chris Van Ingen

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